Just a chill guy CHILLGUY

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I know I’m supposed to be a chill guy and low-key not really care about anything but I’m tired of trying to be someone that I’m not I want you to think of something right now that makes you happy that thing you see the thing that lights you up, Chase that all of your soul chase that because it’s easy to brush off life’s potential and I’m not trying to say that life is easy. In fact I’d argue that the only way that something is meant to be if you’re willing to commit to the difficulty in life otherwise it wasn’t meant to be anything but just a missed opportunity it will be a difficult road but here’s what we come to learn everything of value is difficult

MC: $372,548,583.349
Price: $0.136763

Dex Screener


Metric Value
HHI 122
Median Holder $4.63
Top 10 Holders -10%
Top 50 Holders -50%
Top 100 Holders -100%
Group A (Whales) 137,066; -137,066%
Group B (Dolphins) 0; 0%
Group C (Minnows) 0; 0%

